Sunday, December 27, 2015

Books I read in December

Chennaites went through a very different and difficult phase this December. Rains and floods that broke all the records of last century has effected everybody's life in some or the other way. We had to go to Bangalore and we didn't have anything to do there so I tried to use this time in reading. Here are the books I read this month:

Many lives many masters by Brian L. Weiss

Chinese cinderella by Adeline yen mah

Falling leaves by Adeline yen mah

Time traveler's wife by audrey niffenegger

Her fearful symmetry by audrey niffenegger

The magic of the lost temple by sudha murty

बेबाक   -   कंचन पंत

तीन रोज़ इश्क   -    पूजा उपाध्याय

धूप के आईने में    -    किशोर चौधरी

पुखराज     -    गुलज़ार

मनीषा कुलश्रेष्ठ की कहानियां हिंदी नेस्ट पर